The eFlows4HPC coordinator Rosa M. Badia presents the project at the FAIRification put into practice – a joint workshop by EERAdata and the EERA tJP ‘Digitalization for Energy’ on Tuesday 12 October at 16:40 CEST.
The presentation of Rosa M. Badia is on the first day of the workshop during the session “Towards High-Performance Computing (HPC) and the FAIRification of energy data” and is titled “Enabling dynamic and intelligent workflows in the future EuroHPC ecosystem”. The talk focuses on the eFlows4HPC project and outlines its objectives and progress until now.
About the event
EERAdata jointly organizes the 3rd EERAdata workshop together with the EERA tJP “Digitalization for energy” (DfE) as part of their annual conference. The workshop is organized with online webinars and hands-on sessions between 12 and 14 October 2021. Data interoperability and workflows are recurrent themes of all workshop sessions.
See the full agenda here and register for each workshop day here.