

The documentation of the eFlows4HPC software including installation and usage guidelines is described in our ReadTheDocs.

Open-source code

Open-source code of the new developed eFlows4HPC software is available in the following GitHub repository.

As the main outcome, the project delivers the eFlows4HPC software stack which integrates different components to provide an overall workflow management system. One of the core functionalities of the software stack is the definition of the complex workflows that combine High Performance Computing (HPC), High Performance Data Analytics (HPDA) and Machine Learning (ML ) frameworks and the integration of large volumes of data from different sources and locations.

Below is a step-by-step guide that provides a comprehensive overview of the High Performance Computing Workflow-as-a-Service (HPCWaaS). It emphasizes how the platform seamlessly integrates a selected container solution facilitating the dynamic deployment of HPC applications.

The HPCWaaS platform and the eFlows4HPC software stack are validated by use cases organised in three pillars which represent the main sectors that the project targets.