Diversity & Equality

eFlows4HPC champions the values of equality, diversity and inclusion in the community and strives to find ways to promote their importance. We believe every contribution counts, no matter how big or small.
Our coordinator, Rosa M. Badia from BSC, is one of the key female figures in the field of HPC in general and workflows and distributed computing in particular, with a decades-long activity in promoting the significance of women in research and science. Some of Rosa’s related activities are:
- Being among the few women and the first Europe-based researcher to receive the HPDC Achievement Award 2021
- Giving a TV interview about the hard work of women in HPC
- Winning the Euro-Par 2019 Award
- Winning the 2019 ICT Woman Award
- Giving a talk on “How BSC is facing the challenge of the gender issue” in EuroHPC Summit Week 2019
In addition, our partner institutions have clear policies on the topic, some of which are listed below:
- BSC: Gender and Diversity Equality Plan
- CIMNE: Equality Plan
- FZJ: Equal Opportunities
- UPV: Equality Unit (in Spanish)
- Atos: Corporate Social Responsibility
- DtoK Lab: Equal Opportunities
- CMCC: Code of Ethics and Conduct
- INRIA: Committee on Gender Equality and Equal Opportunities
- SISSA: Event on Women in Academia
- UMA: Equality Unit (in Spanish)
- AWI: Equal Opportunities
- ETH: Diversity
- SIEMENS: Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
- NGI: Code of Conduct
Finally, we take part in the celebration of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science on 11 February by showcasing the work of our female partners through our media channels and the European Diversity Month in May by raising awareness of the importance of diversity and inclusion in the society.