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Cutting-edge workshop explores HPC Workflows for scientific applications

Date: January 16, 2024

The 4th eFlows4HPC workshop titled “HPC Workflows for Scientific Applications” was held on Wednesday 10 January 2024 at BSC premises in Barcelona. This event set to bring together experts from various scientific fields from the applied HPC ecosystem. It aimed to be a platform for knowledge exchange and collaboration after presenting the HPC workflows and major outcomes of the eFlows4HPC project to scientists and industry experts across diverse scientific domains.

Rosa M. Badia (BSC) chairing the 4th eFlows4HPC workshop, January 2024

With a participation of over 30 registered attendees, this one-day workshop covered a spectrum of scientific topics from the eFlows4HPC project and from various HPC CoEs such as EXCELLERAT, CoEC, CEEC and RAISE and other European initiatives (SKA and EuroCC Spain and Netherlands), including workflow design principles, optimization techniques, and the integration of emerging technologies. Attendees acquired hands-on insights into optimizing the efficiency and scalability of scientific simulations and data-intensive applications through the utilization of HPC workflows.

Oriol Lehmkuhl (BSC) presenting CEEC CoE during the eFlows4HPC workshop, January 2024

One of the highlights of this in-person training was the interactive sessions and technical discussions in order to foster collaboration and potential synergies.  “In each of our workshops, we shared our most recent project results and significant achievements, aiming to establish connections with diverse scientific communities beyond the domains of our three project pillars. This is just a first step for potential future scientific collaborations as HPC workflows are key to other scientific domains such as AI, cosmology, engineering, combustion, and computational fluid dynamics (CFD)”, says Rosa M. Badia, eFlows4HPC coordinator.

All presentations in PDF can be downloaded here: