eFlows4HPC is at PDP 2023 in Naples presenting to discuss the challenges in developing, deploying, and executing complex workflows in HPC. The researcher Jorge Ejarque introduced the FaaS model in Complex HPC Workflows and exposed the analogies between these and the Function-as-a Service model used in the Cloud Computing environment.
The keynote presents the architecture of the software stack of the project and how complex workflows are implemented, deployed and executed using this software. The main idea is to port the FaaS model that is applied in Cloud Computing in Complex Workflows to HPC environments.
The complexity comes from different parts, such as the number of elements that compose the workflows and the sort of computations they perform. Ejarque highlighted the increasing complexity of HPC workflows, which now incorporate data analytics and artificial intelligence tasks in addition to traditional simulations and modeling.
About PDP 2023
Parallel, Distributed, and Network-Based Processing has undergone impressive change over recent years. New architectures and applications have rapidly become the central focus of the discipline. These changes are often a result of the cross-fertilization of parallel and distributed technologies with other rapidly evolving technologies. Therefore, reviewing and assessing these new developments is paramount compared with recent research achievements in the well-established areas of parallel and distributed computing from industry and the scientific community.