Eflows4HPC took place in this half day workshop aimed at creating awareness and engagement around open-source initiatives, specifically Open Architectures. It included three sessions, two of which included technical presentations on RISC V and OpenPower architectures to help contribute to developing a fully open-source ecosystem. Enrique Quintana-Ortí shared a presentation on ‘Deep Learning Inference: Manual or Automatic Generation of Optimized Kernels for RISC-V’ during the technical session. The workshop concluded with a third session that included a panel discussion on a roadmap for Open instruction set artchitecture (ISA) and its stakeholders. For more information on the event and its program, visit https://meep-project.eu/events/3rd-workshop-risc-v-and-openpower-hpc.
About the event
MEEP (MareNostrum Experimental Exascale Platform) is a platform that explores hardware/software co-designs for Exascale Supercomputers and other hardware targets, based on European-developed IPs. This is the 3rd workshop it has hosted on RISC-V and OpenPOWER in HPC. In addition to seeking to create awareness and engagement around open-source initiatives, it envisions promoting collaborative activities between academia and industry, creating placeholders for ongoing international research projects and monitoring their evolution.