This month Rosa M. Badia, the Workflows and distributed computing group manager at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC) and coordinator of the EuroHPC project eFlows4HPC, has been elected as full member of the Science and Technology section at the July Plenary meeting of the Institute for Catalan Studies or Institut d’Estudis Catalans (IEC). This institution counts with a total of 127 members who are highly qualified academics and professionals.
“I am honoured to be a new member of this institution in Catalonia, and I am very excited about this opportunity to contribute to an institution that encompasses so many fields of scientific research in all areas of Catalan culture”, says Rosa M. Badia.

About Rosa M. Badia
Rosa M. Badia i Sala holds a degree in Computer Science (1989) and a PhD in Computer Science (1994) from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia. Her research has focused on parallel programming models for distributed computing. The research group contributes to the PyCOMPSs/COMPSs environment, a task-based distributed parallel programming tool, and its application to heterogeneous workflows combining high-performance computing, data analysis and artificial intelligence. Under Badia’s leadership, the group has participated in forty-one European projects and has been principal investigator in four of them. She has also been principal investigator in twenty-four national projects. She is currently the principal investigator of the EuroHPC JU eFlows4HPC project.
Her group has participated in contracts with Fujitsu, IBM and Intel and has been recognised as a consolidated research group by the SGR. Badia’s software solutions enable new discoveries in science in areas such as genetics or astronomy. She received the Euro-Par Achievement Award 2019, the DonaTIC award from the Generalitat de Catalunya in the academia/researcher category in 2019, and the ACM HPDC Achievement Award in 2021 for her contributions in the area of distributed computing and for her leadership of the research community. In 2022 she was appointed Distinguished Research Fellow by the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). She currently chairs the ACM’s European Council.
About the IEC
The Institut d’Estudis Catalans is the normative reference body for the Catalan language as a whole. It works with the vision of being the academic point of reference for Catalan language and culture, advising the public authorities and having the capacity to influence society through reflection, rigour and independent criteria. It acts as an academy of the Catalan language and as a centre for research studies in all areas of knowledge.