Between August 29 and September 2, The Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC-CNS) reunited young computer science researchers and engineers in order to address architecture, software stack and applications for HPC and AI sessions. Distinguished scientist leaded keynotes, such as the Prof Mateo Valero, Barcelona Supercomputing Center’s directors, who talked about the future of HPC.
Last day, Rosa M Badia held a keynote about “Developing complex workflows tat integrate HPC, Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics“. In this presentation, the researcher detailed the eFlows4HPC objectives of coming up with software tools stack that make it easier the development of workflows and HPC Workflows as a Service.
All students received a certificate and six of them were given an honor certificate recognizing thei high scores in the practical exercises. In total, 205 applications were received. Among these, 50 students were chosen. The school is a multicultural experience too, where 28 nationalities were present. In the words of the Association of Computer Machinery, “the summer school has been once again a very successful event, serving as a meeting point for young researchers in HPC and AI”.
About the Europe Summer School
The summer school addresses young computer science researchers and engineers and is open to outstanding MSc students. After a competitive selection process, the programme committee will accept 60 participants. Accepted students will spend one week in Barcelona, attending formal lectures, invited talks, and other activities. They will be hosted in shared rooms in the same excellent 4-star hotel as the lecturers. The school will cover accommodation expenses and catering during school hours. The school offers a limited number of 250 euros travel grants for students needing support.