The second eFlows4HPC general meeting, which took place online on 26 and 28 May 2021, aimed at reviewing the project architecture and setting the ground for important technical work to be done by the various Work Packages. The two-part meeting was internal for all project partners to attend and contribute to the discussion.
The objectives of this meeting were to:
- Discuss the requirements of the Pillars’ workflows for the eFlows4HPC workflow stack, being under consideration during the last months
- Analyse the architecture of the eFlows4HPC workflow stack that has been defined during the first months
- Examine the metrics that will be used to evaluate the workflows
The content of the first part of the meeting included an overview presentation of the eFlows4HPC architecture, followed by a discussion and definition of the domain-specific requirements by the three Pillars. The second part focused on examining the computing infrastructure available for the project developments and tests as well as analysing the evaluation metrics. The discussion concluded with an update of the consortium on administrative matters, such as the status of the project reporting and deliverables.
With the project architecture definition completed and the list of metrics defined, the eFlows4HPC partners have made an important step forward. The next phase of the project will find the consortium working on developing the different components of the workflow stack and progressing on the effective workflows for the three Pillars, with the latter evaluating the platform’s capabilities and values.