A total of 26 experts from the geoscience community were present at the first eFlows4HPC workshop titled “Next-generation HPC workflows for natural hazards” held on Wednesday 13 September 2023 at the auditorium from the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC) premises. After a brief project introduction by the project coordinator, the morning sessions started with an overview of pillar III highlighting the need of urgent computing for earthquakes and tsunamis simulations. The workshop continued providing a technical demo of the HPC Workflow as a Service (HPCWaaS) followed by a presentation of Workflow Provenance with the programming model COMPSs.
The afternoon was more devoted to the related European initiatives highlighting the potential synergies between ChEESE, DT-GEO and GEO-Inquire projects. The event finished with fruitful discussions as well as actions to be taken for the upcoming months before the project ends.
“This first edition of the eFlows4HPC workshop series allowed us to acknowledge the real impact of our workflows developed through the project. In this case, we could see how our HPC workflows were applied by geoscientists in earthquakes and tsunamis simulations. I personally also think that it has been a great opportunity to identify synergies and potential future collaborations”, says Rosa M. Badia, eFlows4HPC coordinator.