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Optimizing HPC Workflows for climate experts

Date: October 20, 2023

Following our effort to engage with scientific communities to disseminate our developed HPC workflows for climate applications, the second edition of the eFlows4HPC workshop titled “HPC Workflows for Climate Models” took place this week at CSC premises in Espoo, Finland. Co-located with the ESiWACE3 hackathon, this training brought together researchers, developers and climate experts to collaborate on optimizing workflows for climate simulations.

The workshop featured a diverse agenda encompassing various topics related to HPC workflows and climate modelling. The eFlows4HPC experts presented their innovative solutions and, in particular, researchers showed a hands-on demo from the HPC Workflow as a Service (HPCWaaS) platform and a live demo of workflow provenance.

BSC researcher Raül Sirvent at the eFlows4HPC HPC workflows for climate models in Espoo, Finland.

Throughout the event, both participants and organizers emphasized the importance of collaborative efforts in addressing climate change. “HPC is a critical tool in advancing our understanding of climate processes, and workshops like these are essential in harnessing the full potential of HPC resources”, says Rosa M. Badia, eFlows4HPC project coordinator. The day finished with an insightful debate identifying future synergies between both HPC and climate communities.

All presentations of this workshop can be downloaded here: